A 18-year-old basketball star who recruited Cornell University, it seems everybody understood: the captain of his team, a good student, has a long-standing friend and some good …

See full summary A 18-year-old basketball star who recruited Cornell University, it seems to have everything turned out that: the captain of his team, a good student, has an old girlfriend and a few good friends. But at home he is struggling iznego upset father’s gambling addiction. His mothertrying to keep the family afloat, but he does it with great emotional and finansowÄ…ofiar.

Anthony is the dominant player of his school basketball team in Manhattan, it seems that everything happens for his killer three-point shot, who loves, and a chance for a scholarship at Cornell. But the dream of college ball games are Anthony zagrożonezbiegiem alcoholic father pismennikchyya gambling addiction threatens the lives and derailed his wife and son.

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